-How many kids do you have?
- How old are they ?
- Do you work? If yes, what is your profession ?
-Do your kids have extracurricular activities?
-What type of activities do they do?
- How often do you have to take them somewhere ?
-How much time per week do you spend bringing them to their activities and pick them up?
- Do you always have the time to bring your kids to school/activities ?
- How do you usually get your kids to those places ?
- How are you solving the problem now ?
- Have you tried something else ?
- Would you let your kid go to school or extracurricular activities by himself ?
- Do you have a nanny at home?
- What do you think about taxis ? Are they adapted to kids ?
- Would you trust someone with your kids if its profession is "driver only for children" ?
-What would make you trust this person?
- IS there any other questions I should have asked ?
- Do you have any more comments about this problem ?
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